Saturday, October 13, 2007

Anne Hathaway in The Tale Of The Giant Purse

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Hollywood bags are out of control, and so are their purses. Hey Anne, whatcha got in there? Posh's acne meds? Britney's lunch? Angelina's next orphan? Hmm.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Leave Anne alone! I love this girl. She's scandal free, talented, makes great, well recv'd movies & has class like no other in Hollywood. This is more of a tote than a handbag anyway, metallics are the IN thing for fall, she's got IT!! She is fab, in a brown paper bag she would still be fab!

Dirty Disher said...

Makes note to self..."leave AH alone or risk the wrath of anons."

Anonymous said...

scadal free
I thought i saw a pic if her giving a bj to her boyfriend on a boat

Anonymous said...

Oh please. I'd love to own a boat so I could give my boyfriend a bj on it. She's an actress not a nun.

Anyway, I agree with DD. I can't stand those gigantic bags anymore.

Anonymous said...

he looks a little like john ritter

Jess said...

She could carry around a bag made out of Angelina's latest adopted kid, and I'd still like her.