Saturday, October 13, 2007

Is she really??

Is Micsha Barton really dating Brandon Davis?? I found that pic at Glitterati with an article about Mischa and her date at some MS bash. No name was mentioned, but, if that's not Greasy Bear..well, that's Greasy Bear. A match made in oily heaven. If they get engaged he can give her a lard ring and she can stick it on her forehead and call it fashion. They can live high on the hog off her Keds commercials.


Anonymous said...

apparently the dating pool in Hollywood is very very small

Anonymous said...

*Pukes*...they totally make a perfect pair. Didn't they date previously anyway??

Anonymous said...

yes they did date... for a little over a year i believe... eww

Unknown said...

ew. well she is disgusting enough to lick that adler guy's long ballsack, then she will have no problem wiping the grease out of BD's dick. ewwwww

Anonymous said...

It's a shame hes so greazy, he has a sorta cute face.

Anonymous said...

Mischa broke up with BD a couple of years ago after a fairly serious romance/engagement that lasted about a year. Brandon didn't take it well, became obsessed and practically stalked her for ages.

But Mischa's really gone to hell in the past few months, figuratively and literally. Her career, her looks, even her famous "mystique"-- it's all in the crapper now.

It was only a matter of time until they "re-connected". Brandon decided to be patient and whaddya know, Mischa's "star" eventually waned and she came running back to him. He must be so happy...

Um, I wonder if she knows that when he buys her a drink... or anything else for that matter... it's on someone *else's* tab?


I always expected they'd get back together.

Anonymous said...

He's an upgrade from Adlerball.Though I suspect Barton is paying for their dates...