Monday, October 22, 2007

Bee stung Brit

I can't let this pic go Poontang is with her new lips. She's kept her hand over her mouth for days, but, of course some pap caught her. She looks like a poor mans Cher, only Cher is 60.


Anonymous said...

Ain't that purrrrty?

Anonymous said...

Wont look too bad when the other redness and swelling goes down.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks=lots of calories!!!

with love said...

I really hope she doesnt start screwing up her face with unnecessary plastic surgery, she is really is pretty already :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Cher in the car next to her?


Anonymous said...

with love said...
I really hope she doesnt start screwing up her face with unnecessary plastic surgery, she is really is pretty already :)

Too bad your not, huh? Yeah, I saw the pic of you on your blog, whats wrong? Why did you make it private? Afraid people would drop over like flies after viewing your moley dogface?

Anonymous said...

she is really is pretty already :)

I see you dont proof read either.