Monday, October 22, 2007

The worlds shortest whore

Desperate Housewhores, Eva Longoria and Brenda Strong. Bizarre. I may not own a dick, but, I own a brain so stop telling me this bird brained midget with no breasts, legs so skinny you could drive a Hummer between them and 40 pounds of makeup is a sex symbol.


Anonymous said...

She represents the Lollipop Guild, the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild.....

Anonymous said...

I've never understood the appeal of this woman. She's not what i consider naturally pretty at all.

Anonymous said...

She's Hispanic. they are not a tall ppl by any means. She's certainly not ugly but she gets alot of indeserved credit for sure. Ppl I meet in everyday life look as good or better than she does, it's just fate who gets chosen to be famous & who doesn't.I mean, think of Kirsten Dundst, ew! How'd that happen? She's famous & fug. Lots of fugs are famous. It has no bearing. Eva is just a short cutie hispanic chick. BTW-Who is fate? I wanna meeting! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Is Brenda Strong about 6' 4" or something? Gawd! This is such an insane pic.

Anonymous said...

Eva is the worst actress ugh but she fits right into Desperate Housewives

Jess said...

You need to start an album of freakishly tall people standing beside freakishly short people. I want to see this pic next to that Brooke Hogan/dude from Beauty and the Geek pic. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hispanic women usually arent very attractive, yet they always seem to think very highly of themselves

Anonymous said...

Men probably find her height perfect for giving blow-jobs.