Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beyonce..tree trunks and a wig

Yeee gawds, Bouncie..who approved that costume? Seriously, I can't stand her, but, I admit she's beautiful. But, holy macaroni, she makes some BAD choices. It's like she wants me to make fun of her.


Anonymous said...

c'mon DD she's seen better days! We all know her prime is passsed. Girl is gettin' big now! Wow! She likes those fat back & turnip greens & corn bread! Now I'm hungry for soul food ya'll!!!

Anonymous said...

Beer keg legs.

Anonymous said...

She has hot. And has hot legs, minus the cankles.

Anonymous said...

Now she actually has heavier legs unlike ya'all think Lohan has.

That get up is ridiclious looking, even if she is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Whoa... That is a bad outfit choice. Talk about thunder thighs.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, I didnt realize how big she has become, she was never small, but, damn those legs are huge! They make Lindsays look small!

Major Majormajor said...

She seems to be missing her knees.

Anonymous said...

She's a damn heffer

Anonymous said...

Those are WITH lOVE'S legs photoshopped onto Beyonce'

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why people think she is beautiful!
When she was thinner, she was normal/average looking, in my opinion. But now she looks just like Mariah with even more extra pounds.

with love said...

Yeah those are MY legs photoshopped onto Beyonce, wish I could flick you on the forehead :)

Anonymous said...

wish I could flick you on the forehead :)

October 23, 2007 11:35:00 PM PDT

And I wish I could hug you since your such a ray of sunshine :)

Jess said...

No, those are MY legs photoshopped onto there, since I'm such a "chubby" girl lol.

DD, I've been contemplating my Beyonce post for a week now. Her latest 2 commercials make me really wish she'd just kill her stuck-up self already. Grr. What can I say, I like Rihanna!

Anonymous said...

With Love is just showing the love with those head flicks! Gawd, dontcha know anything??. Go hug a tree you idiot.

Anonymous said...

What do you bet B's weighing in at now? Close to 200 pounds no doubt. She's big even when she's slimmed down. Girl's never been small.

Anonymous said...

Beyonce is an average looking female. She is not beautiful at all. People are caught up in the hype of her fame.