Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Brad doesn't like movie set romances...

Brad told Cosmo.."I always have and I always will be faithful. I don't like to see couples who have affairs on film sets..or anywhere. I operate on the belief that it catches up with you."
Ummm, WHAT??? Oh, man, Brad, shut up already and let us remember you in Legends Of The Fall before we knew too much.


Anonymous said...

Isn't his lover an on-set skeeeeeze? YEP

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh, to be a celebutard and convince yourself that whatever you say will be taken as gospel.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Liar-Liar Pants on Fire!!

Unknown said...

Didn't he LEAVE JenAnn while filming Mr and Mrs. Smith with Jolie?!! WTF?

Anonymous said...

AJ was lying about that the entire time as well. She was even preg before he was single. & that makes him a cheating husband whom she professes to hate because thats why she hates her dad for cheating on her mom. What a hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

Legends of the Fall! OMG! I watch that movie all the time. He was fab in that. Gawd!!! I think that was when I fell hard for him. He isn't so appealing anymore.

Anonymous said...

Shouldnt he look at him and AJ, especially AJ she has been involved with most of her costars.


Anonymous said...

Y do her orphans always have such mean a** expressions on their fug faces? Pax doesn't tho, he's toot! These 2 always look mad & fug. The blob is expressionless & not an orphan, just sayin'..

Unknown said...

he needs a dose of foot in mouth and stfu.

Anonymous said...

Well he did techinically leave Jen afterward. Maybe he only sees affairs as breaches btwn 2 people who stay together afterward

Anonymous said...

lol at the anon above me. Yeah his twisted mind has to make up any story to make him feel better.


Anonymous said...

OMG Z is so freakin' ugly !!

Anonymous said...

LMFAO ! Skankalina really has stolen his balls & his BRAIN ! He is as delusional ( maybe more ) as Skanky !

I think these two media whores need to STFU & GO AWAY -

Anonymous said...

Flava Flaaaaaavvvvv Jr. is in the hizouse !!!!!!!

Dirty Disher said...

I have to tell you I think Flavo is kind of cute in a strange way.

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you I think Flavo is kind of cute in a strange way.

I think she's sorta hideous in a strange way lol ... seriously tho.

Anonymous said...

ugly little niglet needs to go back to africa if shes so fuckin miserable here, spoiled little fugly shit that she is.

Anonymous said...

ugly little niglet needs to go back to africa if shes so fuckin miserable here, spoiled little fugly shit that she is.

Anonymous said...

ugly little niglet needs to go back to africa if shes so fuckin miserable here, spoiled little fugly shit that she is.