Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bree talks about Lindsay Lohan...

*“Riley went into rehab to get his life together and in the process meets Lindsay and ruins my life. I loved Riley and Lindsay stole him. I met her at a meeting while they were still patients at Cirque, and I just knew something was up.
“She came into the meeting with Riley, and she comes over and sits next to me, being overly nice. She was complimenting me on my hair and trying to be my friend. It didn’t seem sincere at all.
“A few days later, I get a text message from Riley telling me he wanted to ‘take a break.’ I knew instantly it was because of Lindsay.
“I’ve stuck by Riley through the good and the bad. We lived together for three years and planned on being together forever.
“But when he finally confessed to me that he had sex with Lindsay in one of the stairwells at Cirque — that was it, we were done.
“Lindsay has no morals and needs some serious help – besides drug rehab — for all her other problems.”*

Oh, man, Lindsay seriously went and sat next to her at a meeting and was doing the old "I like your hair" thing??? That's just evil. On top of all that Bree later found out Riley had bought her an engagement rings made of..Cubic Zirconia! No one's a winner here.


Anonymous said...

Bree will be better off with out his herpes infected ass, Blowan will be finished with him in no time, Bree needs to adjust and move on up.

Anonymous said...

I know right where I'd stick that cubic zirconia.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay did her a huge favor and showed her what a moron she was about to marry. Seriously if someone would buy you a CZ engagement ring and boink Lindsay Lohan, there had to be other warning signs that he was a douche in the three years they lived together. Now there's just no denying it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I can't wait for that chapter in Lohan's autobiography! "I looked up from scrubbing toilets in rehab to change into my ferragamo rubber gloves and there he was. All kind of rubbery and shlubby and I knew I must have him! Not right then, NO! But where? And then it came to me: The most magical place for us to consummate our love. So we fucked in the stairwell."

Anonymous said...

Ok, so what does this Riley guy do for a living?

Is this his meal ticket? dating Lindsey?



Unknown said...

Wow. If Lohan gave me the "I like your hair" bit I'd punch her dirty two faced lying ass to the ground. God I hate her so...

with love said...

We love you BREE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just say "Thank You Lindsay"!! Seriously & he will be soon all alone & mumbling to himself back in rehab "What happened?" Idiot! Be happy. My daughter got dumped by her 4 1/2 yr BF & she almost died of grief & then the best guy on the earth came along for her & she's NEVER been so happy. Things happen for a reason & my daughter is now so happy that she got dumped! So will Bree! Just watch the demise of this disaster & enjoy every minute!!

Anonymous said...

Cubic Zirconia Karma babeee!!! He will get his! Cheap bastard! Let her think she was wearing a diamond!!! OMG! He is such a liar & cheater! He deserves LL & all her STD's!! Truly, Karma is a MF'g bitch! & it's comin' Riley!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so what does this Riley guy do for a living?

Is this his meal ticket? dating Lindsey?

For real! What a big bum. He will mooch of LL till she dumps his ass & is tired of it. Spencer gave heidi a fake ring too but she doesn't care 'cuz her bf is a fake guy too! He's actually a woman! LOL!

Anonymous said...

“Lindsay has no morals...

You said it Bree! You are waaaay too good & pretty for that fat liar anyway! You will be happy about all this eventually! Trust me.

Jess said...

Wow, sounds like Lindsay's replacing Angelina for #1 Homewrecker....

Anonymous said...

shes cuter than lindsey, but apparently he wants a spotted crab infested red haired fishy twat