Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Britney has a friend??

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Poontangs girl friend, Tuesday Knight, a jewelry designer, explains why Brit doesn't wear panties..

“I’ve said, ‘You cannot walk into a store wearing just a shirt with your underwear off.’ I’ve told her that no one will take her seriously when she does this.”

But, Poons answer is, she just doesn't like underwear. “Britney doesn’t need to do it and she knows it’s stupid,” says Tuesday. “But she says that she just doesn’t like to wear underwear.”

“Britney has always been a good mother,” she says. “I want people to know that she’s the better parent — not Kevin!” Tuesday adds, “Britney asked me, ‘Doesn’t anybody get to see this part of me?’ The answer is, no, they don’t. People just read about her not wearing underwear.”

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Yeah, whatever. There's Brit offering her straw to the paparazzi, no one knows why. She has pinkeye so she sucks on a straw and then offers it to other people. Nasty.


Anonymous said...

Don't people get to see WHAT side of her....we see the side she chooses to show! We see her partying without her kids til the wee hours of the morning. We see her with a different guy every time we turn around, we see her smoking with the kids in a sandbox with no toys but her empty cig pack,we see her and the kids in carseats turned the wrong way, we see her with her dog and no kids, we see her booty every friggin day and we see her partying the same damn night she hands her kids off to K-fed after she lost custody. That's what you show us Britney. Get real or better yet, get lost!


Anonymous said...

Pink Eye, thats the reason for the constant shades, She is soooooooo skanky.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, SHE said she has pinkeye and it really hurts.

Major Majormajor said...

That seems to be a permanent case of pink-eye... most of the time it's gone within 2 or 3 days...not 2 or 3 weeks.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a dumpy middle aged house wife in that pic with the straw. I'm not at all famous but when I was her age I was rockin a hard a** bod. I still don't look too bad after 2 kids that are grown now. She's gonna be so old before her time. She should take better care of herself, 'cuz nobody else is gonna do it for her. & cigs realllly age you quickly!

Anonymous said...

PS: Go Daphne! I am in total agreement. If she wants us to see something positive then she should be doing something positive in her life. She's not.

Anonymous said...

She actually looks kinda cute, yet insane in the pink wig pic. There's no denying her gorgeous teeth. She must bleach the nicotine away. Like she tried to get Sean Preston to do! Gawd!

Anonymous said...

doesn't like to wear underwear? Shit, I don't like to wear a bra but I have C cups

Miss Tia said...

i had pinkeye it from all the neighborhood kids that gather at my was really really bad for about 4-5 days, then the residual effects lasted for almost a month...i had to go almost 2 months without my contacts and i hate wearing my glasses [yet i am always in my sunglasses, go figure]...

so pink eye CAN last awhile....but gee, has she seen her kids???

she ain't a good is this tuesday thursday weekday named chick smoking???

Anonymous said...

She looks aweful in the hot pink tank top looks like she needs to lose 20 lbs in her arms alone. This girl makes me ill, I wish she would just go away.

Anonymous said...

Britney doesn't have one single true friend. She has paid pee-ons and hired ho-bags. Noone cares about her except the 2 humans that love her unconditionally and that she unconditionally doesn't give a shit about.