Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cunty gift exchange..

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*In Closer, Natalie Portman plays foul-mouthed ALICE and admits once she got used to swearing, she loved it.
She says, "We were laughing about the dirty words we have to say. You blush at first, and then you get pretty liberal with them.
"At the start of shooting I gave Julia (Roberts) a necklace that said, 'Cunt' on it, then as a wrap gift she gave me one that said, 'LilCunt.''' *

See? I told you cunt was just a word. If Americas Sweethearts can use it, why can't I??


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought you were America's Sweetheart.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah right.

Anonymous said...

DD is a Sweet-Tart! Yummy! Reminds me it's almost Halloween!

Unknown said...

DD ees ze best!!!!!

(soon I'll send you a pic of my spooky kitty Shadow, for halloween)

Anonymous said...

My doggie is gonna be Wonder Woman for Halloween!!

Anonymous said...

For some weird reason, American's actually rate "cunt" as the dirtiest swear, even above "fuck". I don't know why anyone did a poll on this topic, but they did.

Anonymous said...

Ug & Fug

Anonymous said...

CUNT is very offensive only in AMERICA ?!

I do not know why ??? because America is full of Rude CUNTS !!!

Anonymous said...

DD you cant use the word because you aint got one. nobody wants to hear a bitter Tranny