Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Britney is being bad again

Britneys parenting coach turned in a not so great report to the judge before she quit. She said Brit seems absent minded and confused and spends her time with the boys changing her clothes and talking on her phone. She also ignored the coach, pretending she didn't exist. Ehhh, well. I say if you don't find a kid in the microwave with Britney waving a turkey baster and singing "This here bird's gonna be good, y'all! it's probably a great day at the Spears house. You think she's cleaning that table because she plans to pass out under it later and wants the paps to have a clear shot?


Anonymous said...

with all of SHITney's money ... you would think she's have someone apply her self tanner ( shakes head ) and the FILTHY WHORE is still wearing that Ratt's nest weave ! this skank is dumber than a fish .

Anonymous said...

She's cleaning her own poolside table? Why? Gonna do 'lines' on it lata? Well, at least she was cleaning something. I find this pic kinda strange. Because it's normal! LOL!!! I wish she'd get her act t'gthr & realize all she's got is those boys. She hasn't realized that yet. Sooner than she thinks, they will be 18 & really gone! By their own choice!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she's actually cleaning up!

Too bad it's not her act...

Anonymous said...

I bet her bathing suit is stuck fast to her crusty coochie that probably has seen a washcloth and a bar of soap in a few weeks.