Friday, October 19, 2007

Britney's parenting coach has had enough

The parenting coach the judge had assigned to Britney has called him and asked to be taken off the case. Britney won't listen to her, is a smartass and usually isn't even there when she shows up. Meanwhile Jayden said his first sentance..."Britney who?"


Anonymous said...

That cartoon is a good likeness of Brit but they forgot to add a bag of cheetos and make her fingertips orange :-D

Anonymous said...

Heh. Like anyone couldn't have predicted *that* outcome!

I feel so bad for those 2 boys. All this back and forth and push and pull and dissention between the parents.

But I think that now, between their dad and the nanny he brought in, in addition to loving care-- their getting the all-important routine and consistency they so desperately need.

If they return to the "1 day here"... "2 days there" routine, those boys don't have a chance.

Not that they have one anyway.

So sad.

Barb said...

At least she is giving the judge all of the ammuntion he needs to make the placement with Kevin a permanent one. At least the boys are living in a stable home with someone who actually thinks of their welfare first, and conducts himself like a parent needs to.
They need to stay with Dad. If all of this has not impressed Brit to make the needed changes, nothing will.

How can she be so stupid as to comment on what she thinks of the judge in public? How stupid is she to fail to realize that she is not as "powerful" as she seems to think she is. There are people who CAN tell her what to do. The judge is one of those people.

Bye the way, if Brits hair looked as good in person as it does in the cartoon, she would be lucky! It is not beleivable to me that she can live with that rat's nest on her head!