Friday, October 19, 2007

James Haven needs to stuff a sock in it

Angelina's dufus brother thinks her family is amazing. "They're unbelievable," Haven, 34, tells Marie Claire in the upcoming November issue. "Zahara likes to hide from Angie, who always knows, right when she walks in the room, that Z's playing."

Oh, you're kidding me! It's like she's psychic. Is that like when Lis puts a magazine over her face here and yells "I hidin'!"? Then I go..Oh, my gosh, where did you go??? Yeah, this idiot wouldn't know jack about the kids anyhow, he's too busy staring at his sister and imagining her naked and making excuses for why he has to stay all night. Yeah, I said it.


Anonymous said...

It's hysterical how much alike James Voight & Angelina Voight look alike LOL ! Sooooo creepy ~

The only way you really know that they are two different ppl is you see pics. of them making out LOL !

Anonymous said...

His motto is "Incest is best, put it to the test"

Anonymous said...

After he stuffs a sock in it, James Haven needs to get off his ASS and get a job. Maybe if he had to actually WORK for a living he'd be too tired to constantly run his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Creepy, creepy , Creeperton!

Anonymous said...

That guy looks creeeeepy. He looks ike a serial killer, with his shifty little eyes.

Anonymous said...

Is he gay? Has he ever spoken about his sexuality? He sure as shit acts/looks it.

Anonymous said...

queer homo fag - yep he surely is!

Anonymous said...

Naw, my gaydar just went off the meter when I saw his pic. He doesn't drool over sis anymore, he wants Brad!!! LOL! This man is soooo f'g gay. geee-odd!

Anonymous said...

I watched Midnight Cowboy y'day. OK, both those kids that hate his guts look like him!!!! When Jon Voight was young, thats what he looked like, not so gay tho. But they definitely have alot of his facial characterics. HaHa!!! I know they look like their mother too, but just go watch that movie, you will see it. Puffy lips, everything.