Friday, October 19, 2007

Dogs in Halloween costumes

Need I say more?? LMAO!


Major Majormajor said...

We continually buy costumes for our dog...but being of the Jack Russell Terrier nature that she is, she immediately starts to tear them off, so we never get any good pics. Several years ago we had hoped it was a "puppy" stage.

Anonymous said...

That is damn funny. I found a cute diosaur costume for Rocco. I wanted the Bee costume but they didn't have it in his size.

Anonymous said...

I got Wonder Woman for my Boston, but much like the Jack Russell, she ain't into it. We got it on her and she immediatley flopped onto her side, layed there and wouldn't move. I laughed til I cried.


Anonymous said...

oh my that was absolutely priceless - I LOVED IT big time.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I love the three-headed Harry Potter one.