Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cute kid, strange name

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Jason Lee took his son, Pilot Inspektor to LA Fashion Week. Pilot Inspektor, huu? I guess it's better than Earl.


Anonymous said...

That's Scientologists for ya.

Anonymous said...

"Confessions of a Patricidal Maniac" by Pilot Inspektor Lee, coming soon to an airport book store near you.

Anonymous said...

Why do people do that shit to their kids?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

He looks happy about the name, too, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Why would you take a kid to LA Fashion Week?


Miss Tia said...

he's a pretty gurl!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy? Sorry but I don't watch network TV. Cute child. Stupidest name since Apple.

Jess said...

I still think that's a better name than Audio Science, Shannon Sossamon's kid (does that also make his initials A.S.S.? Double bummer!) He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Audio Science better be a smart kid or will never hear the end of it!! What a name to live up to! Difficult to live with as an adult too. Ppl will be saying "U kiddin' me?" his entire life! Jeez...never heard of that one. Change ur name when u r of age kiddo!

Anonymous said...

Oh LOl , miss tia says the boy looks like a girl. Oh so funny. Really just lame. But hey dont let it stop you from making fun of little kids. I am sure that is the highlight of your day.

Miss Tia said...

well anon, at least i use my name...and the kid DOES look like a girl!

so check out my pix....yeah, just for you....