Monday, October 22, 2007

Giving Suri Cruise a run for her money...

Reader Miranda sent these cute brag pics of her gorgeous daughter, Ashleigh. I've seen Ash grow from an exceptionally adorable baby to a beautiful toddler in emails and she just gets cuter every time. So, Mir, what are her fav things, what's she going to be for Halloween and how old is she now?
Again..if you want your brag pics on here..send 'em. I love them.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful child! Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

She is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie pie!!!!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful daughter you have Miranda. She has absolutely gorgeous hair which in a few years will have the boys knocking on your door lol.


Anonymous said...

That child is just angelic!

Anonymous said...

oh god dont make me think about how old she'll make me cry! lol...shes 3 1/2..gettin big on me :( Her fav things to do are goin for a walk to the candy store, making messes and eating chocolate! lol And shes gonna be a witch for Halloween..but she says shes gonna be a nice witch not a mean one haha...and thank you all for the comments and thank you DD for postin her on here :)


Dirty Disher said...

She's just precious. I hope we get a pic of the good witch costume.

Anonymous said...

What a little doll!

Major Majormajor said...

She's so precious. I love the kid's pictures.
My daughter just brought her 2nd grade pictures home today. Oh, the time flies......

Anonymous said...

Suri, WHO?


Anonymous said...

I think she beats Suri by a few hundred yards. It is always nice to see a picture of a smiling happy child living in the "real world". My baby just turned four and she lights up my day every day. She wants to be Spiderman for Halloween...

Anonymous said...

Here we go! I told DD not to post personal pics on here for fear of the rude comments & hurtful words. Do you think somebody would post their childs pic on here if they were fug? No way! So, shut up.Leave Suri out of this. & this baby is gorgeous, don't compare. I hate that. :(

Dirty Disher said...

Don't worry about it. Chicken poops who troll on kids here will be deleted.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, and if you send a personal pic to post, then later decide you don't want it floating on here forever..just drop me a line and I'll delete the post.

Anonymous said...

hmm well i didnt see the first comment..however i did see the last one posted by nadine b4 it was deleted..everyone is entitled to their own dont have to worry about deleting them DD..and again..ty all for the comments :) xoxo


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I offended you Miranda, I just think Suri is exceptionally gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

you didnt offend me at i said..i think everyone is entitled to their own i think Suri is beautiful too..i'm just sayin DD doesnt have to keep deletin the comments..doesnt matter to me what ppl say..good or bad..i know what a precious gift my child is..and so does she lol :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, what an ickle cutie.