Monday, October 22, 2007

OMG...Jessica Simpson to host The View

Pregnant Elisabeth Wankerhassle left to squirt out a republican and Baba Wawa decided to give Jessica a shot at hosting The View November 15 and 16. I'm not even joking. Topics will include..
1. Walking and chewing gum at the same time.
2. Look what I can do with my mouth.
3. Why don't John Mayer like me no more?
4. Do these cut offs make me look fat?
5. AND..why Ken Paves is my bestest friend and not gay.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the subject of anal fixations will come up?

Dirty Disher said...

Dunno but I fogot number 6..when daddys touch you wrong.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say this but I bet you the ratings will skyrocket because everyone will watch to see just how stupid Jessica really is. Heaven help us if they hire her to do more shows because of ratings - I think Barbara and Joy will just shoot themselves and be done with it all


Barb said...

They must really be digging deep looking for work for her if they solicited her to the View!!

Barbara and Joy aren't the only ones who will want to shoot her. ALL of them look like absolute geniuses next to her!!

Miss Tia said...

ken paves IS NOT gay??? are you sure?? he HAS to be gay....

Anonymous said...

it only makes sense LOL! Elizabeth ... Jessica ! theyare the same difference LOL !

BUT ! Here's how it will end ... remember Debbie Matanopulas ( sp ?? ) let's just say the other henswill be out to kill the washed up skank Jessica Simpson .

Anonymous said...

Ken is very openly gay. He has a boyfriend. I've read that his bf travels with him and Jessica.

Anonymous said...

ken is so f'g gay ppl! & Jessica will be laffing & probably not getting too deeply involved in the convos. I don't think she can handle Whoopie & Joy anyways. Think they will have her sing? I don't watch the show, I work, but I would love to hear how she does. If I was at home, I'd watch her! She was cute on That 70's Show a few years ago, when she did some episodes as Kelso's new GF. So, she can probably do OK with TV.I dunno about all those women tho, they will eat her alive or really like her. We will see.

Anonymous said...

Are Nick Lachey & Vanessa Vanilla scl'd as guests that week? OOOO! The fur would fly girls. I would miss work to see that! LOL!

Anonymous said...

lol @ anon above. OMG can you imagine if they guest starred. I think everyone would miss work/school to see that lol

Crystal (ps the Crysta was me)

Dirty Disher said...

# 7. I am prettier than Vanessa..right? Right? Right???

Anonymous said...

Whoopie should "Punk" her & have Nick just stop by! OMG! That would be mean tho. But wouldn't you love to see their faces? Ambush! How mean is that? I like Jessica too, I can't believe I said that about her. It would be a hoot tho! Oh, they'd make nice, while under the table she'd be crushing his nuts with her fist!