Monday, October 22, 2007

Show us the real Katie

Smile for the cameras! It's the perfect family! Then when she doesn't realize they have her in their sights, it's like night and day. Katie Holmes looks like she has her tit in a wringer, and that probably isn't far off. TC: "Smile, bitch, I've got your kid."


Barb said...

The second picture looks like it is just begging for What is she saying "balloons".

I think mine would be "Are you crazy? What can you be thinkng of???"

Or if she is really brave... "Where did you get that idea from... your Scientologist friends or maybe Thetan himself??!!

Don't you wonder what the look on his face is??

Anonymous said...

What the hell is up with Tom's hair?!?! It looks like a high school nerd hair do. Woops.

Anonymous said...

In the first picture at least she is wearing make-up again, a nice change. She is such a high paid hooker.

Anonymous said...

Dont feel sorry for her at all, without marrying Tom she be another actress scrambling for the money and fame

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish she'd get away from this nutjob, she is so brainwashed. I'd take that baby and run for the hills.

Anonymous said...

Love that nazi cut you got goin on there Tommy.

Anonymous said...

That's not Katie, that's Katie's spinster aunt. I'm actually scared by the extent she's changed.

Anonymous said...

The weird buzz cut is for his Nazi film he's making. He should be good at being a Nazi, huh? Katie is just looking pissed at him for something, good for her. At least we know she still has emotions. She even seems to be saying to him that he's an idiot. I love it. Go Katie!!

Anonymous said...

She may be looking past Tom & at someone else, Tom is looking to the other side of Katie & not at her. Maybe a pap or someone on the sidelines was yelling & being rude or farted again? Like "FAAARRRTTTT"...remember me Tommy?" Then she made the disgusted face & Tom is looking for thr perp. I dunno, just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

yeah barb I wondered what he is thinking and up to also. His looks have gotten weirder lately and I can't put my finger on it.

Maybe she is starting to rebel like Mia and Nicole did eventually. It is only a matter of time I think, however now that there is a biological child it will be really hard for her to leave AND take Suri.

I think she is doing it for fame and fortune. I used to feel sorry for her, but I don't anymore.


Anonymous said...

She has her own money, maybe she's doing it because she genuinely loves the guy for reasons unknown to us.