Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halle Berry at Things We Lost in the Fire premiere

Pregnancy is making her boobs gigantic. Too bad it doesn't work on brains, huu, Halle? I know, that joke's over your head. Go ask your Jewish cousin to explain it. I hear Jews are real smart.


Anonymous said...

Give me a friggin' break already. So call me an uneducated white trailer trash whore...I've used the whole "jewish nose" slang before? Tell me who hasn't? Everybody is always ready to cast the first stone! Or should I cry in my beer that people are referring to me as a "white trailer trash whore". Get over it already!

Miss Tia said...

what's up with halle's eye here??? is it shrinking????

with love said...

They look good now, but just wait until they deflate lol!

Anonymous said...

"I lost my frikin' brains!"


Guess you have a zombie cousin too huh Halle?

Anonymous said...

That color looks beautiful on her.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. I'm Jewish and I don't give a fuck about that. I've been through worse, you know, real stuff that really counts?

Of course you don't.

Anonymous said...

She always thought she was Gods gift to the world. You can tell she likes her bf more than he likes her too by thier body language on pics.

Anonymous said...

Whatever she has said or done, I'll bet any straight guy who sees that picture just forgot all about it.


Anonymous said...

Those earrings seem kinda casual for that dress, not fab at all. Like she forgot to change her earrings from her day wear.

Anonymous said...

She is hot and you hags are not!