Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Harley the dashboard dog

Reader Daphne's doggy, Harley, gets into the fall spirit by chewing a gourd. Cool! And how cute is riding right on the dashboard? Pretty dang cute. Love his ears! Woof!


with love said...

Aw I miss having dogs around, not a for few more years though :) Cute dog!

Anonymous said...

Awww I love him, he's adorable!

Anonymous said...

We always had Boston Terriers when I was little. They are so cute, they shiver alot tho! They are almost nakey!

Anonymous said...

I love it. That's what I call a "front row seat". He prolly likes the warmth up there... bless his little nakiness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! I love my little poot dog!


Anonymous said...

He's a 'lil sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Real cute until she slams on brakes, or, god forbid, has an accident.

That's a pretty irresponsible way to allow your dog to ride in the car. He should be in a harness secured to the seatbelt.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't go for long rides on the dash for crying out loud. I wondered how long it was going to take for someone to have something shitty to say. If you look at the pic, we are in the driveway.

Anonymous said...

Aww thats too cute him up on the dash. Obviously 8:26:00 hasnt tried to put a dog in a seatbelt.

spare me