Saturday, October 13, 2007


Dear Jebbica, I love your blog. I'll be so glad when you get your new site done. I'd love to post on your place, but, it won't let me. It never does. But, I read every word because you are such a good writer and you have such an awesome sense of humor. Keep on truckin', I'll be reading.


Anonymous said...

Well, there's more bad news for Britney tonight :(

Unknown said...

hey Dishy I sent you an e-mail.....

Jess said...

Really? That's so sweet; thanks! Well, I've been kinda boring lately, so I guess now that I know someone actually reads it, I'll try to liven things up!

Love you!

Jess said...

PS: I changed my comment settings. Hope that's helpful!

Dirty Disher said...

I cracked up at todays post...and I loved your small town post. We all like meths and walmarts round here bouts too. 'Course you'd have to be on meth to go to Wally because it's a kajillion miles. That's an actual measurment. Everything is a kajillion miles from this place. If it's wayway far it's a kajillionfuckinmiles.