Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pattie Boyd writes her memoirs "Wonderful Tonight"

Pattie Boyd..still beautiful and even more amazing, still alive! Oh, how cool I thought she was back in the day. She was older than me and so much cooler. I looked more like Twiggy, but, it didn't stop me from copying Pattie and even letting people call me Patty for about a month. She was one of the original swinging mod models and she married a Beatle! Even crazier..she left George Harrison and married Eric Clapton after he pursued her for years. The Clapton song "Layla" was about Pattie. As was the song "Wonderful Tonight." I can't wait to read her book. Will she tell the tall tales like Geri Hall did? Oh, man, this should be good.

On a separate note, blogger has decided I'm done for the day, no more photos for me. Hence the film, which is good, btw. Blogger does that to me all the time. If I use my blog they decide I'm too busy, must be a bot, and shut me off. Everyday, I find new ways around them. Every friggin' day for a year I've been fighting tech probems here and everytime I hit a wall I find a way around. The last two posts pics were bounced from Bucket which I tend to overload the bandwidith and fark up my header periodically. I wonder what it would be like to I guess I'll never know. This has become my routine. Fuck you blogger, you will never beat me...but, I might take a nap.


Anonymous said...

You are so self centered. Why would anyone call you Patty? .

Anonymous said...

it could be cause her name is something close to Patty.. why don't you ever post your name on your posts?

Dirty Disher said...

Yep, it IS my name. I like Pat though.

Anonymous said...

People are assholes DD.

Miss Tia said...

one of the reasons i gave up on blogger (besides logging in now to show my user ID ;) is how flippin' slow it was....and i didn't like their 'dashboard'....i've switched to you considered moving elsewhere? i can recommend livejournal....quick uploading and you can update all you want!!!

and what in the hell kind of BOT posts on a blog?? i know they do 'comments' but blog postings?? that's nuts!

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah there are bot blogs now. They piss me off. And I cant move..I'm winning!

Miss Tia said...

what does a bot blog write???

atention cum get viagra cheep?

betar you're sexy life?

pils for all alements?

bot blogs....pfft...

Anonymous said...

"Something" written by George Harrison was written about her too. She had 2 super-rockers mad for her, write songs ABOUT her, steal her from each other! Gawd! I always think when I watch "Hard Days Night" which she is in & George met her while making, that "that chicks British teeth are sooo jacked" but George & Eric died over her! Makes me wanna kill myself & my rock-starless straight teeth ! & she cheated on Georgie-boy with Eric, one of George's BFFs! Typical model behavior!! I'd read her book tho.

Anonymous said...

EC did have a real girlfriend he nicknamed Layla in '70 and they have kiddos together. From what I'm hearing she has kiddos with his friend Carlos Santana, big happy family huh? She did an interview some place a couple years ago but I didn't get to see it, she was a pyschic detective.