Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I really didn't know Ryan Seacrest was mentally retarded..

but, he must be, because he's the driving force behind Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Who the frick cares about Kim Kardashian, her giant butt and her family?? Naturally Bruce Jenner will be in it and that means shit faced Brody will worm his 2 dollar face in there too. These people are suck. TV is just hard up.


Anonymous said...

Who wants to watch a show about a bunch of Iranians? I ask again!! NOBODY! Thats who. Kim & her lard-a** can go back there for all I care.

Anonymous said...

i saw a clip of the youngest sister dancing on the stripper pole. its very disturbing and creepy. i bet the show will soon become a cult favorite of pedifiles. the mother is no better then dina lohan.

Anonymous said...

not as if i am a fan of these women, but i must say in their defense that they are from Armenia and not Iran. two COMPLETELY different countries; in more ways than one.. get your facts straight

Unknown said...

who cares.

Barb said...

How much room is there in Hollywood for no nothing skanks who seem to think they are famous and that the world wants to see a reality show about them. Her only claim to fame is a sex tape which she should be ashamed of, not publicizing.

And, can we hardly wait for the little one to grow up and show the world what she can do??!!!

Barb said...

How much room is there in Hollywood for no nothing skanks who seem to think they are famous and that the world wants to see a reality show about them. Her only claim to fame is a sex tape which she should be ashamed of, not publicizing.

And, can we hardly wait for the little one to grow up and show the world what she can do??!!!

Anonymous said...

9:12, Kardashian is an Armenian name. These are people who first adopted Christianity and were slaughtered for it. NOT Iranians.