Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jake Gyllenhaal did Letterman

Did you see Jake on Letterman last night? He tried to pull off this "have you and amusing anecdote" thing and it was so fucking phoney it made me cringe. You could tell it was scripted for him and he'd rehearsed it and it was pathetic. Dave all but called him out on it, in his Dave way. If you have no life, just talk about your movie and leave. What a loser. In the closet phoney baloney loser.


Major Majormajor said...

Jake should just keep his mouth shut and look pretty. Every time he opens it and says something, (outside of the lines for his movies) it just ruins it for me...that and the new beard (the one on his face, not Reese).

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about asking this but I am just not slutty enough to know what 'beard' means & I read it alot. I am guessing it is an oral sex reference? Don't laff at how dumb I am. I just don't know the lingo. Hey! I read Cosmo, thats just never been in there! Somebody help a sista' out with some info!

Anonymous said...

A 'beard' is a euphemism for a woman who pretends to be the girlfriend/wife of a closeted gay man (usually celebrity). Anything to help a sista out :-)