Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jake Gyllenhaal is NOT gay

Jake: …"I was stuck in a woman’s bathroom once with Susan Sarandon. She was interviewing me for a magazine and we couldn’t find a battery for our recording device so we ended up in a woman’s bathroom.

I discovered…that day…that the floor in a woman’s bathroom is colder than the floor in the men’s. And, believe me, I’ve spent a lot of time on the floor of a men’s bathroom so I should know!"

Oh fer cripes sake. He has to state at every opportunity that he's straight, but, then he talks about all his time spent on the mens room floor. Are we supposed to think this is another amusing macho story? Oh, Jakey, you can stop slobbering on Reese Witherspoon now, because we aren't buying it, and you aren't enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

He may not be gay, but I bet he'd hold one in his mouth til it went soft.

Anonymous said...

Um... How does that story mean he's not gay? He has spent a lot of time on the mens bathroom floor? That sounds to me like he was messing around with some dirty trucker men that were horny if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell would he even mention the mens room floor? After what's been going on in the US Senate & with all the gay rumors about him? I mean is he stupid? Come on out Jakey! Gawd. It's like he opened the closet door there but didn't step out. EW! He needs to be honest or shut the hell up about the damn Mens Room stories. That was so weird to even say, for any man. That sounds gay coming coming from any guy!!

Anonymous said...

Lmfao DD, "I'll just put the tip in" ... too funny!

Anonymous said...

The commentary on the photo is too funny!!! You crack me up, DD.