Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mila Jovovich..strange craving

Mila on her pregnancy craving.. "I was craving bone marrow one day, and I scoured the whole of Paris searching for the leg of a cow," "When I finally found what I was looking for, I cut it in half, digging out the yellowish substance, slathering it all over bread," she adds.

Hmm, when I was pregnant I just wanted ice cubes. I'm glad I didn't want the bone marrow from a cow leg. WTF?? I'd like film of her cutting that thing in half, (what's she got a chain saw in her kitchen?)and eating that gunk. Weird.


Anonymous said...

Whoa. No comment.


Anonymous said...

She needs iron. I read this somewhere else. Thats disgusting, but if she likes that, w/e...I craved oatmeal, black olives & guacomole when I was preg. Didn't matter what I ate anyway, nothing stayed down. I don't know how she even kept that sh** in her mouth long enough to swallow it. Gags me.

Anonymous said...

It's called pica, weird strange cravings. I used to eat black dirt & sand as a kid & I loved it. The smell of rich black soil still makes my mouth water, crazy huh? It is! It means I am anemic. People will eat the weirdest things.

kissannie said...

I craved ice too - I went through many trays of ice each day. I even figured out how much water to put in to make the perfect crunch. Pregnancy is so weird!

Anonymous said...

I craved ice cubes, too. I would go through an entire huge cup of crushed ice, and then get another. A symptom of iron deficiency, supposedly. Also, disgusting canned chicken in a cream sauce, which I would eat over toast. After I gave birth, I had no taste for it and couldn't abide it, but throughout three pregnancies, I ate it like there was no tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"I just wanted the leg of a cow"

Was that a live cow Mila?? Did you gnaw it off?

This sounds like an Ann Rice novel

Anonymous said...

That's gross ... all I wanted was pizza sauce & ketchup the first preg. & Taco Bell & oranges w/ the second :-)

Anonymous said...

I still crave ice & eat it constantly. I am not preg and don't plan to be again! I have also heard it's a deficiency of some sort. Loves me some ice! Always by my side. Not fattening either LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think celebrities say these sorts of things to get people to talk about them..For attention!!