Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who opened that tomb?

Geraldo, of course. Someone explain to me why Anna Nicole had a "play date" with a 9 year old?


Anonymous said...

Whoa. That is crazy. I mean, I never liked Howard Stern but that was sick. I feel bad for that whole family.

Miss Tia said...

yeah, i thought that too...who has a 'playdate' with an adult????

HKS explained why he took the pix of ANS with Daniel was the only way to be able to show her he was dead...considering how hysterical she was (understandably) it makes sense...

the Ford Shelley guy needs to be prosecuted for pimping out the videos and pix HE STOLE....and shame on Geraldo for giving stolen video/pix air time...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call those pics of her with Daniel "gruesome", sad , yes. but not gruesome. If he was dead, bloody , cut up and mangled, then I'd say they were gruesome. This was a woman in the depths of despair.

Anonymous said...

miss tia:
It is Ford's house; he owns it legally. HKS is a squatter. Ford Shelley could have sold the videos and pics, but instead he exposed HKS for the scumbag he is.

Anonymous said...

This entire episode will go down in history as one of the wierdest celeb deaths since Elvis. I mean, this story will never go away, it's all just waaay too bizarre. Daniel died-OD'd, she had a baby, who's the daddy??, then she died, OD'd. Where's the old guys millions? Who's the daddy again, still?,who gets the baby?,who gets the money?,on & on & now it's still raging. It's nuts. Totally nuts.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen pics of her w/Daniel passed away. That would break my heart. She didn't care to live after he died. I can understand that. Even her new baby couldn't heal her broken heart. Saddest THS ever!!!

Miss Tia said...

It's not Ford Shelly's's his father-in-laws and actually now it legally belongs to ANS' estate as the f-i-l refuses to go to the bahamas for the court hearings and he didn't pay a bond to continue the hearings...apparently he'd be arrested if he returns to the bahamas for drugs or something like that....

and Ford Shelly STOLE ANS' property....even at that time with the house being in dispute it was still HER COMPUTER, HER PIX, HER VIDEOS....he has no legal right to them at all...

and you don't think news agencis have paid him for those??? he has made a lot of money for those....

what he's doing is criminal...

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia!
Thats right. I forgot all that crap that went on. It's all true. He can't go back! Haha!! Didn't he even claim to be the baby-daddy at one time? The older guy I mean? It's hard to keep track of this saga.

Miss Tia said...

i think ford shelly one time alluded that HE could be the father even though ANS was dating his father-in-law....and the f-i-l when ANS tried to say he could be the father publicly said he's sterile....

yeah, it's hard to keep track, but i'm pretty ontop of this ANS stuff...i do not know why...probably cuz i feel bad for her and i tend to be protective of the 'underdog'...

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia! What's f-i-l? And does anyone know where we can see part two of this video? Morbid curiosity, but I want to see those pics!

Miss Tia said...

f-i-l = father-in-law

Anonymous said...

I wanna see those pics too, I'm morbid like that.