Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jodie Foster shopping

Jodie and her boys doing some grocery shopping, they stop to have a sip of milk from the carton. She looks so normal, I think I could pass her right in the store and never realize it was her.


Anonymous said...

Jodie is OK in my book. Did she do artificial insemenation to have kids? I'm thinking I remember her being preggers & those boys do look like her. Anybody know? I like her, she seems like a good solid Mom to me. Dyke for sure but she keeps that out of the public eye. Thats her biznaz.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of stuff i like to see most about the celebs. Normal everyday things like grocery shopping and drinking out of the jug like everyone else does lol.

I think shes become more attractive as shes grown older gay or not.

Anonymous said...

I like Jodi, I dont give a rats ass if she's queer or not, she's a great actress and apparently a great mother too ;-)

Anonymous said...

I like Jodie , she is intelligent , talented & classy ! her personal life is just that ... Personal !! So Go Fuck yourself Perez Hilton ! I am so sick of that Fat queen trying to out ppl who want privacy .

Anonymous said...

... What is that kid doing? XD

Anonymous said...

don't know why but she looks like a good mom.