Sunday, October 14, 2007

Katie Homes at the airport

That's Katies "flyin' on a jet" dress. She's returned to Germany to be with her daughter who is being held hostage, err, taken care of by Tom Cruise, while he finishes filming that tardo movie he thinks people are going to pay to see (jokes on him.) She looks like she overdosed on bugle beads. And what's up with that hair? It looks like someone's farked it up for real. I should talk, I haven't even brushed my hair today, it's still up in a clip. But, it's Sunday and I worked a party last night. Don't even ask..I'm a hooker, okay? Anyway, I'm not a movie star, she is..wash yer hair, Katie. Eww.


with love said...

Is she pregnant???

Anonymous said...

oh please. her hair doesn't look dirty.

Anonymous said...

She definitely does NOT look like she just got off a cross-atlantic flight, you don't wear sleeveless tops or even dresses, the idea is to be warm and comfy.
Pssst DD how did the party go? I wanna hear all about it.... I bet you were a hit... :) lol @ hooker....

Unknown said...

I would take that top and make a bellydancing bra and belt out of it. Loves it!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks just like Suri here. Very cute. But the dress is waaay too much for her, too old for her & YES, I think she looks preg too!

Anonymous said...

dd I wish you'd post comparison photos of Katie Holmes, one from a few months ago when she looked like a girl, and a current one where she looks like her own spinster aunt.

I honestly wouldn't recognize her if I hadn't seen the transition - it's just scary.

Anonymous said...

She has a dirtball look to her.