Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Lindsay Lohan..a force of nature

So, it's now out that The Blows current boy friend, Riley Giles, was engaged when he met Lindsay. Riley's fiancee, Bree Tierney, had to read it in the tabloids because he just blew her off once he got bitten by The Blow.

A friend of Bree's told UsWeekly, "Riley just stopped calling Bree and never told her about Lindsay. She found out by seeing photos. It destroyed her.”

Nice. So that's one marriage and one engagement Blow destroyed while in rehab this last time. Damn, she's good. Ehh, I'm just kidding, it's not her fault these guys are dogs. I just don't quite get how she's such a huge femme fatale, you know? I mean, she's just some B actress with freckles and extensions. What's her power?

In other news, she gave the paps the slip last night, and they're pretty sure she was clubbing at one of her fav haunts, but, they couldn't catch her. I gave her untill Thursday to hit the clubs, guess I should have said she wouldn't get caught until Thursday. Come on, Blow, we're waiting for some real drama.


Unknown said...

She isn't really that pretty. Hair and makeup do wonders for her rat face.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay's cured.

Anonymous said...

That chick must give the best Blow-jobs in the entire world.

Anonymous said...

What an a**hole. I hate him. LL will dump his a** anyways as soon as she starts hanging in the clubs & thinks some A-lister likes her or something.

Anonymous said...

He looks kinda fat to me.

Anonymous said...

He's gonna be LL's Jason Alexander! Blink & you will miss him!! Just hope she doesn't do the quickie Vegas wedding thing! 'Cuz this guys not cute. But neither is she, so w/e...They deserve each other. I actually hope they do get married & have 4 kids right in a row & they have no place to live 'cept her dads 1 BR apt!

Anonymous said...

i think chloe is right - after all we saw the pic's of her giving 1 b/f a bj so it must be that.


Anonymous said...

She's lookin a 'lil chunkish these days, kinda like her new man ... I agree with Sabrina, she does possess a rat like quality, as does her mother & sister *esp. her sister!