Monday, October 22, 2007

Marie Osmond fainted onstage tonight

I was flipping through the channels and saw Dancing With The Stars tonight and Marie Osmond and her partner, Jonathan Roberts were on. I thought, I'll just watch Marie dance before I move along. After they danced they were waiting for their scores and..BOOM! Down goes Marie! She fainted right onstage. I was, like, wtf? Turns out she's okay, she just got excited and out of breath. It was weird though. Her first words when she came to were "Oh, crap." LOL..there'll probably be You Tube of it tomarrow.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Marie & was happy to hear she is OK. I don't watch the show but this kind of thing draws more viewers next time! She looks like she did get in shape as she had hoped also! She looks so good. Wonder why she has been divorced so many times? I just love her.

Anonymous said...

I taped this show and will watch it later but I was surprised to find out it was Marie that fainted.

According to information I read this morning she said she forgot to breath during the dance.

She has been in the music business and a lot of entertaining business all her life and breathing is such an important part of singing and entertaining, I would figure that would be just a natural thing she would do and not forget.

I know she has been out of the spotlight for many years, but still, I just was surprised when I heard it was her.

I hope that is all it is and nothing more serious with her health.


PS to the above anon - I have always loved her too and growing up I was a huge fan of Donny even went to his concert when I was 13 lol (yeah ok I admitted it)

Anonymous said...

Singing and dancing arent the same thing @ breathing and even seasoned performers can get a serious case of the nerves. Will do it to you every time too.

She was probably a little on the exhausted side as well as she had shows to do in niagra and they were practicing on the road most of the week.

Dirty Disher said...

She looked fantastic though.