Friday, October 12, 2007

More Ann Coulter

I didn't take a damn thing she said out of context..she's fucking nuts!


Finley said...

That woman is an idiot. I am Catholic and I don't believe my religion is any better or any more right than anyone else's. Its a belief. That is the basis of all religion. It is God's place to judge, no one elses. This woman doesnt even know the basis of her own religion. Love on to others as you would have them love on to you. LOVE thy neighbor. She is so ignorant it makes me mad. Christians are not perfected Jews. They are Jews that took their religion in a different direction. No one's belief is any better or any more right than the other. As long as your beliefs don't harm anyone else I don't care if you worship a rock. I know that God will take care of me in the end because I loved everyone and treated everyone equally.

Unknown said...

Well, I know there isn't a God so I don't see what all the fuss is about. I live for the moment, not one that don't exsist.
But all religions are cool with me. Do whatcha want.

Finley said...

* add on to my comment*

Except for Ann Coulter, I would jack that bitch in the face. (and then go to confession for it later.) Sorry G-man.

Unknown said...

LOL That's what I wanna here Fins~

Anonymous said...

DD, Nate found this, thought I would share. - Firespark

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for you Sabrina. How do explain being here? It's not just happenstance.

Anonymous said...

I would rather live my life believing there is a God to find out that there isn't, than to live my life as if there isn't a God and find out there is.

Dirty Disher said...

I agree with Sabrina. And I also think "do whatcha want." It's called tolerance and some people need some.

Katiesh said...

First he asks her a question, and then bitches at her. Wtf.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Jew from last Ann Coulter post here. I didn't mean DD was taking things out of context, I meant people were overreacting in the media in general IMO. I'm still not offended bcos the guy asked her what a perfect world looked like to her and she told him. Also she was honest about what Christians think. What I find offensive are the crazy people at peace rallies insisting Jews are behind every major world problem and masking their hate by substituting "Zionist" for "Jew" @ every turn. This is the reason I left the Peace Movement. I'd rather deal w/ conservatives' brand of shit after that. One thing is that guy did not look observant to me either, there are obvious pointers which AC must be aware of. Not that I'm observant myself.

My 2 cents.