Friday, October 12, 2007

That's a nice photo, McDreamy

No reason...just Patrick Dempsey on a staircase. That's a sexy photo, isn't it? Wouldn't it be nice if men finally figured out this is what we like? We don't care about your junk or you in a speedo with your gut sucked in. Just smile and act like a man. Geez, is it that hard?


Anonymous said...

Nice way to end my week DD! Thanks for the refresher! Now he can ride his lame old riding mower up to my house anytime & MOW my yard! ie: "Can't Buy Me Love" he was a dream in that too! 80's movies rock my world!

with love said...

I dont mean to brag but I cant help noticing the resemblance my husband has to him in this pic- minus the aged look...Im a lucky girl :D

Anonymous said...

Shut Up With Love! LOL!!! If it's true then what r u doing on here? Go get that man in bed NOW!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE 80's movies too!!!

Finley said...


Jess said...


Anonymous said...

He can eat crackers in my bed anytime.

Dirty Disher said...

I think we need a photo of with loves hubby. Yes, I do.

Anonymous said...

Partick sure has aged well! Better then any bottle of wine ever could have!

with love said...

LOL you guys made me giggle :p You WONDER why I have three kids under the age of 5????? Ive spent TOO MUCH TIME IN BED!!!

I'd love to share a photo of him, but I wouldnt want anyone getting off on it- specially crabbie :D

Anonymous said...

he came into his looks. some pretty boys age bad some nerd or not so handsome guys age pretty hot. like McDreamy and George Clooney

Unknown said...

with love, you're too funny!

me loves some mcdreamy anyday. he's soooo masculine!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As DD knows, I fell in love with McDreamy since his first season on GA.... he can eat crackers or popcorn etc in my bed any day too...hey even I'm available if hes hungry... :)
WHAT A SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MAN....thank you DD for posting that sexy pic...

Dirty Disher said...

Nads, that posr was almost dirty! LMAO! He really gets to you!

crystal said...

yup doesn't take much but most dont' get it.

Anonymous said...

Of course he does DD.... but then you knew that already hahaha...and yup the post was supposed to be almost dirty ... (evil grin)