Friday, October 12, 2007

Orlando Bloom, car crash

Orlando Bloom was in an accident involving his car and another car last night after leaving LA's Green Door club. The police say drugs and alcohol were not a factor in the crash where Orlando hit another car, but, there were some injuries. Two women were hurt and bleeding (Blooms passengers), one was Hollywood stylist Cher Coulter. This is the weird part..Bloom got out of his car and left. He just walked away. A paparazzi followed him and convinced him to go back to the scene. WTF? Did he bang his head or is he just a coward?

Oh, it's also been reported that Orlando is dating Jessica Simpson so maybe he was trying to off himself.


Miss Tia said...


yellow bellied bastard!!!

Anonymous said...

Go here to see the lovely video of lovely Orlando casually strolling away from the scene of the accident - until one of the paps explains to him the concept of a hit-and-run and he decides it would be prudent to go back.

Dirty Disher said... that looks bad on his part.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the paps tho, he would have been alot more trouble ala-Britney!! Those guys are very useful when car wrecks, running outta gas etc & celebs are involved aren't they? They can't be that bad, hey! they gotta make a living too & if the celebs all kill themselves what will they do for a dolla' ??

Anonymous said...

Jessica Simpson? Really? Hadn't heard that one yet. Not a good match tho.

crystal said...

oh he should not walk away but friggin run if he is involved with Jessica, but not from a scene of a crime.