Friday, October 12, 2007

Pam and it already

Pamela Anderson and new hubby, Rick Salomon, are fighiting in public already. That didn't take long, did it? They got into it at the Tryst Nightclub with Pam waving her arms and Rick standing his ground..then they left all unhappy and pissy. Yep, that's a marriage made in hoo ha heaven.


Miss Tia said...

maybe they fought for the make up sex???

this woman needs to be banned from marrying again....

Anonymous said...

*Flips off Miss Tia*, Pam is a slut & deserves this scum as she calls him, so w/e. Let them both just die of hep. Sorry but she's the one spreading it all over Ho-wood, not me!

Miss Tia said...

right back at ya! :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be surprised if they last until New Year's Eve.

Wait... make that, Halloween Eve.