Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nicole Kidman, a parent with a brain

The actress says, "Bella had a phase of blue hair - luckily that only lasted for a little while. But we recently had a discussion at home about tattoos and I had to lay down some ground rules."
"My husband (Keith Urban) has tattoos, so obviously I don't mind them on principle. But I do think you have to be a certain age before you can choose to do something as permanent as that, and I don't think that age is 14 or 15. Call me old-fashioned, if you will."
Old fashioned? No. I call that smart. Too bad her kids are actually owned by Tom Cruise. Tattoos are the least of their problems.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

OH please.
If she HAD a brain, she wouldn't have married and bought.. er, *adopted* children with TOM CRUISE in the FIRST place.


Anonymous said...

Well I guess the gossip column's are wrong then because this does seem to indicate that she IS seeing her kids and having some input. I always felt sorry for Nic because she really wants bio-kids but cant seem to swing it, and her clock is really ticking and her hubby still isn't ready. However... her sister (a minor star here in Australia) has 4 kids and so that sister has the one thing her superstar sister Nic can't have... lotsa kids. But now its been splashed all over a major womens gossip mag, here in Australia, that the sister has split up with her husband because he had sex with one of her friends and then dumped the friend for a 23 year old. So..... poor Nichole's sister now.

Anonymous said...

Gawd! Men are such pricks!!! Too bad women can't just breed alone. No, I know ...in-vitro, but you still need a man for that junk in the tube!