Sunday, October 14, 2007

Prince Harry

Geeeez, he really looks like his mom, doesn't he?


Anonymous said...

He really does. I always thought he was the cuter one...which is fair since he's second and Prince William is heir to the throne.

Anonymous said...

Well he's got her pose down: that head down/eyes up demure look.

Miss Tia said...

there's some pix showing him snorting vodka and in those pix he looks exactly like major hewitt! I bet charles isn't his father....he looks too good to be a product of charles...

Anonymous said...

oddly enough, neither one of those kids looks like chuck

Anonymous said...

I think William has his fathers head shape and features, but with a big mix of Diana to even out the fugliness that is Charles. Harry is a cutie that looks like his mama.

Anonymous said...

Harry is a hottie! & does NOT at all look like daddy dear! He likes to party like his Momma too! William is balding like dad & does resemble him as he gets older. He used to be so good looking but lately, not so much. Harry may not be Charles' son but the Queen will not allow a DNA test! & Harry being of age has said he will not do that. The Palace denies all of this. DUH!

Anonymous said...

I agree with not making a paternity test public (although I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the family has had one done privately). What possible purpose would it serve? Harry's been in the family since the day he was born. If Charles suspects or knows anything, he has shown enough class and decency to raise Harry as his own, anyway. Maybe Harry is Charles' son, but if he isn't, that can't be changed, and it's no one ele's business. Let sleeping dogs lie.


Anonymous said...

He looks like that guy Diana supposedly had an affair with, I cant remember his name, but he had the red hair and a very similar face.