Monday, October 15, 2007

Proof that Rihanna drinks

Well, she MUST drink or she wouldn't have had this crazy tattoo put on her arm. WTF is it, a dinosaurs dick? An alligator being choked? A swiss army kife? Man, that's suckage. Lissa took an ink pen to her legs yesterday and it looked better than that.


Anonymous said...

LOL, wth is that supposed to be? The end kinda looks like the machinehead of a guitar, but Idk what the rest is. Her nails are ugly too.

Unknown said...

Why oh why!!!! I like tats, but that outline looks disgusting. And Rhianna is such a pretty girl!

Anonymous said...

I believe that's a stratocaster

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like it's the handle of a hatchet or an axe. Weird.

Anonymous said...

I think its a guitar.

Anonymous said...

Not a very professional looking tat, looks like a ink pen drawing & a bad one at that. Does she play guitar or something? I don't get it. It looks like a broken guitar neck.