Monday, October 15, 2007

Sorry about the lack of posts today...

We had a storm and there was no cable. It was awful..sob.


Unknown said...

Awww Dishy!!!! Things I could not live without: Water, food, toilet paper and internet.

Anonymous said...

what an idiotic drawing.

Anonymous said...

Boy, we could use a storm or two here. We are dry, dry, dry!

Anonymous said...

Oh and P.S.
I like the drawing!!!

Anonymous said...

awwww you were bored DD and dyed your hair blue... :)

Dirty Disher said...

That's my alter ego..Demtentia. She comes out on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

So glad your back DD =)


Dirty Disher said...

Me too.

Unknown said...

DD- I'm glad you weren't ill! Nice to have ya back. My day can be complete.