Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Weird Hollywood couplings

Vanessa Williams is dating Vince Vaughn. How odd is that?? Personally, I think Vanessa is fab and can do better.

In other puzzling news..Reese Witherspoon is seeing James Blunt. James is kind of cute in that geek way, but, hasn't he screwed most of Hollywood? The weirdest rumored couple is..Jessica Simpson and Lance Armstrong. I think Lance is just trying to score a date with Ken Paves.


Anonymous said...

Jessica and Lance???? wth??? Maybe his other chicks werent so smart after all lol.

Vince needs to lay off the partying man his bags got bags.

Anonymous said...

Vanessa is waaay old for Vince isn't she? Even tho she still looks too good for him! & Jessica & Lance? No f'g way? No way! Reese? Who cares who she's dating. Yes, all 3 of these couples are from "Weirdsville" for sure. Why do they have to date each other? I don't get that. It starts to seem like incest after a while. I mean everybody's screwed each other by now, right? In one way or the other! Directly or indirectly.

Anonymous said...

She's too old and too black for him, he should stick to white women, why would he want someone with burnt bacon hanging out of their puss ?

Anonymous said...

'cuz he likes burnt bacon. Seen his waistline? (sarcsam)

Anonymous said...

DD if you get pics or verification of the Jess & Lance thing please post it. I just don't believe that one. Lance Bass maybe but not Armstrong!!!