Monday, November 12, 2007

Britney still drives like demented squirrel

See thay yellow line? She supposed to be on the OTHER side of it. A car slams on it's breaks to avoid making Poontang road pudding. This was snapped right before the running a red light film and Kevins lawyers are taking that film to court to make sure the judge sees it. Maybe they need these photos as well. Britney is such a loser, a bad mom and farked up road junkie.


Anonymous said...

That monitor needs hazard pay.

Anonymous said...

What is Britney, Oriental?

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Hazard true!

WHY. can't she get a car with mirrored windows and a driver? She is seriously addicted to attention in whatever form she can get it - that means Mom and Dad didn't give her enough 'mirroring' as an infant and now see what the result is - attention slut!

Anonymous said...

Why do they still give her credit or hope on improvement?

She really wants to lose the kids anyways.

That monitor probably has to wear one of her kids' diapers to cope

Anonymous said...

mj - agree with you totally. She doesn't want those kids, but stating what she wants would give her a "bad image", so she opts for the passive way to get rid of them: Have them taken away.
Also, The one yr old always looks in distress. What a shame

Anonymous said...

DD, you really need to email these pictures to TMZ, they will surely forward them to Kevins Lawyer. Do it for her children, because the the pictures show how truly dangerous she is. Please do this, as a mom,you know if you can help keep those children safe, you must.

Anonymous said...

not sure what the judge is really waiting for to give Kevin full custody and be done with it.
