Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deacon Phillippe's career choice of the moment

Deacon Phillippe, 4, son of Reese Witherspoon, wants to be a pizza delivery boy. When Pizza Hut heard that they sent him a little car, a tiny uniform and free pizza coupons to practice with along with a suck ass letter... "Deacon, keep on dreaming big and know that we're saving a spot for you on our team."

Yeah, that'll happen. Though it probably wouldn't hurt the kid to find out how real people live. Still..Pizza Hut needs to go fuck themselves with a big stick of pepperoni. Like anyone over the age of four thinks working there would be awesome. If you work there, my condolences and hopefully it's only until you find something else. BTW, I'm the one who left you three dollars because I know most of the cocksuckers that eat there are cheap bastards who never tip anything without it being pried of their fat greasy pizza eating ass with a pitchfork.


Anonymous said...

Well at least they readily admit that it was for free publicity. And you helped. Now you're in bed with the Pizza Hut devils, muwahahaha.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, low blow. Pooey!

Anonymous said...

Deacon looks like daddy! He's a cutie. All little kids have big dreams, let him have his & maybe, just maybe, someday...it will come true!!! Wow! If only that were true for all of us...dream on little Deke.

Major Majormajor said...

My daughter, (at this very second in time) wants to write and illustrate children's books when she grows up. (Yesterday it was Dolphin Trainer) I hope people from Random House and The Baltimore Aquarium read your blog. (And maybe if I'm seen with Jake Gyllenhaal...) I'm gonna go play around in photoshop.

Jess said...

I worked at Pizza Hut for over a year. My parents used to work there when I was little. When I was working there, my coworker's dad who worked at a nearby PH was delivering a pizza and got beat to death in the head with a hammer. Apparently the guy who did it had killed his grandmother, thought the pizza guy knew too much, killed him, and then committed suicide by running the heater in his car, or however that works. It was so sad. There's no way in HELL I'd be a delivery person! It's too dangerous! My dad was one for a long time. I hope baby Phillispoon has a safer career in mind next week.

Anonymous said...

Aww Jessica, thats such a tragic story. Wrong place, wrong time. Sorry for your friend. But her dad was at least working to support his family! He was trying. & it got him killed. Pizza Hut should support his family for life!! I'm glad the guy killed himself. Somebody needed to kill him!!!

Anonymous said...

Deacon will be an actor, are you kiddin' me? or at least work in the industry in some capacity. Besides he's cute & has the inside track, he might marry some moguls daughter & run his own studio someday & then he can have pizza delivered everyday! I like that he ia allowed to have normal ideas & thots, I bet Ang's orphans are taught that flying in a private jet all over the planet is the best way to make a point in the world about saving others!!! They probably don't even know what Pizza Hut is much less that a person actually delivers it. They wouldn't be allowed to think about that normal stuff. Deacon is the man!

Miss Tia said...

hey DD, why don't YOU contact Pizza Hut and tell them your granddaughter wants to be a Pizza Hut franchise owner when she grows up....see what'cha get!

Anonymous said...

lol...that's just funny. My son wanted to be a Ninja Turtle when he was little and my friend's boy wanted to be a bagger at Food Lion...

Anonymous said...

Such filthy language!