Monday, November 12, 2007

Dennis's a boy..and a girl

Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly had twins last Thursday. Thomas Boone wieghed in at 6 lb. 12 oz...Zoe Grace weighed 5 lb. 9 oz. The Quaids are the biological parents, but, Kim didn't carry the babies. They hired someone to do it for them. Nice. No stretch marks, saggy boobs, getting fat or icky labor. When celebrities breed, huu?


Anonymous said...

they are the bio parents but had a womb to rent to incubate the kids.

thats the way I would do it.

( i'm kidding )

Anonymous said...

wonder why? She looks young & healthy. Must have been a medical reason really. It's no ones business I guess.

Anonymous said...

I've always liked Mr. Quaid...we watched his movie last night, Mr. Brooks. It was good!

Anonymous said...

I think that was one of their problems (Dennis & Meg) was adding to their family and one didn't want to at the time. Now they both have kids - go figure.
