Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dina's next paycheck

Geez, Ali Lohan, you done bought your sisters eyebrows, now get some more make up on! Get back in that bikini! You're 13 already, your youthful (cough) look won't last forever! Mama needs shoes..and coke!


Miss Tia said...

Ali looks like she's 33 not 13...what's wrong with her?? seriously....she does NOT look 13 even without the makeup...

Anonymous said...

Her body looks 13, ain't nuthin' there! Even Jon Benet looked 33 all made up & that baby was 5! Her mom has to whore her out, LL is a has-been & bound to relapse so she's gotta get this kid out there making the cash somehow. Girl's gotta keep the coke flowin'

Anonymous said...

This must be the little sister that always told Linds that she has fat legs, 'cuz this chick is waaay skinny in her legs.

Anonymous said...

I saw pics of her not long ago and she looked 12 or 13, now she looks 18 or 19. Thanks Dina, you pillager of youth!!

Anonymous said...

Her arms and legs are the same size lol.

Cant help but feel for the kid when you know what kind of 'career' mama got in store for her.

Anonymous said...

Drugs,sex & rehab, thats what her future holds!

Anonymous said...

I am sure she would look a lot younger without all that makeup.

Poor thing. The circus is about to begin.

Anonymous said...

she is as ugly as her sis