Someone at Ebony deserves a raise for making this freak look almost human. I wonder how he keeps the prosthetic nose tip on? Some say it snaps on, but, maybe there's a special nose glue? I heard it falls off all the time. He looks like a goth girl avitar.
i remember reading in a howard stern book how it was like gauze and kept coming unraveled...
Whoo! I don't think enough Photo Shop in the world could make HIM look less than alien! Then again, look what they did for Britney in OK! Mag
"He looks like a goth girl avitar."
LMAO!!! That made my night.
HE'S the one that should be going around with a pillow case over his head, not his cute little kids!!! Wasn't there a pic of him online at one time that showed him w/o his nose tip? Makes me vomit to think about. he used to be good looking & he went & f'd it all up to become a white girl.
you would think that the black populatin would shun him because he obviously didnt want to be a black man and turned himself white, yet i bet 95% of his fan base is black? do you think if 50cent or beyonce went white the black population would still adore them???LOL
Beyonce' isn't white? OMG! Who knew??
i hate it when they go overboard with the photoshoping!! theres no way in hell he looks like that in real life
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