Friday, November 9, 2007

PantyLiner does Dooney and Bourke

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Panty's a designer now, with one red patent bag. Whoop. It's fug, unbalanced and you couldn't pay me to carry it. She makes Jessica Simpson look like a genius. Add her to the list of things that make me rage today. Also included..bad pop star mothers and talentless blonde country singer/hacks. Does Hayden even know that patent is made from an animal? Or is it just cute animals she cares about? Friggin' stupid chicks.


Anonymous said...

I'm a Hayden hater too, on board here with ya' !! She has nothing at all to offer, not even good looks. At least Jessica is a beautiful girl and doesn't act like she's the shit.

Anonymous said...

That no looky like her. Who is that? Photoshopped to be Ashley?

Anonymous said...

This chick is starting to get on my nerves. Can someone please make her & her huge-ass forehead go away?

Anonymous said...

She should listen to Dennis Leary's No Cure for Cancer.

"Red meat, white meat, blue meat, meat-o-fucking-rama. You will eat it. Because not eating meat is a decision. Eating meat is an instinct! Yeah! And I know what it's about. "I don't want to eat the meat because I love the animals. I love the animals." Hey, I love the animals too. I love my doggy. He's so cute. My fluffy little dog.. He's so cute- There's the problem. We only want to save the cute animals, don't we? Yeah. Why don't we just have animal auditions. Line 'em up one by one and interview them individually. "What are you?" "I'm an otter." "And what do you do?" "I swim around on my back and do cute little human things with my hands." "You're free to go." "And what are you?" "I'm a cow." "Get in the fucking truck, ok pal!" "But I'm an animal." "You're a baseball glove! Get on that truck!" "I'm an animal, I have rights!" "Yeah, here's yer fucking cousin, get on the fucking truck, pal!" We kill the cows to make jackets out of them and then we kill each other for the jackets we made out of the cows."

Anonymous said...

ohh Donkey and Burro

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:37pm opined: "At least Jessica is a beautiful girl and doesn't act like she's the shit.."

I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic, because even POONTANG isn't *that* dumb.

Anonymous said...

yeah im a vegetarian and i belive that all animals should be NOT GET EATING ITS RUDE CRUL TO POOR ANIMALS I FEEL REAL BAD FOR THEM.