Tuesday, November 13, 2007

So, celebs are just whores trying to sell us something?

Of course they are, and they make damn good whore money to do it. And we fall for it because they seem to have it all and that makes us curious. Scientists are still trying to uncover the secret that makes regular people so vulnerable to the selling power of stars and news sources even suggest that romances and breakups are planned around product releases. You don't say? This shit used to be done with fake dates and cutesy photos planted in Tiger Beat magazine, now it's blogs.
*“When Jess last had a new album coming out, that’s when she was introduced to John (Mayer). She’s got her first country album coming out, so now she’s been conveniently introduced to Owen (Wilson), who is a fellow Texan. Better yet, the public is sympathetic to him.”*
Jessica Simpson has been trained from birth to slobber on the dick of anyone who'll give her two seconds of air time or take her picture so she can be what she always wanted to be..a star. Her daddy taught her well. It's not like we believe her immense talent got her anywhere. But she's still too dumb not to get her silly heart caught up in her reps plots to bring more media into her rich, but, retarded life. When I look at Owen Wilson I do not think..country. When I look at Simpson with Kelli Pickler, I do not think..country..either. I think, look at the dimbulb twats selling shoes. But, I look, that's the point, right? Sometimes we're happy to be fooled, that doesn't make us gullible, it just means we're bored. What's their excuse?


Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure WHAT Jessica Simpson is ??!!! but I can tell you this , it's not her talent , brains or plastic surgeon that keeps her 15 mins. going ! PUHALEEEZE ! All of this thing's movies go straight to dvd and cuntry music ?! LOL ! All I can think of is when she RAN off the stage crying at the concert to honor Dolly Parton !

Anonymous said...

That chick next to her is so fugly.

But what is strangely fascinating about Jessica Simpson, is that she is the Dumb Blonde archetype...

Anonymous said...

"she is the Dumb Blonde archetype"

Goldie Hawn has made a career out of doing just that! Maybe it just doesn't work if you don't have true talent Jess! Sorry babe!

Love, John (The Mouth) Mayer

Anonymous said...

So thats Kelly Pickler? Wow, she is ugleeeee. Sorry, but damn. Wow!

Anonymous said...

How can you not like Jess?
It's not like she's acting snobby and ugly like Brit... She's down to earth (somewhat) and so are her looks. Ya sseeee