Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Zahara's birth mom wants her kid back

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Zahara wasn't an orphan like Angelina claimed and now her birth mom's back and wants to see the kid.

24-year-old Mentewab Dawit Lebiso told the magazine, "I want my daughter to come home to see where she is from. Her grandmother and I both tried very hard to raise her, and I want her to come home to regain her identity."

She said Zahara was conceived when she was raped by a stranger. After giving birth to Zahara in January of 2005 she left her, because there was no food and she thought Zahara was going to die.

"I thought the baby was going to die because there was no food, so I ran away."

Yeah, that's what great moms do when there's no food, they run away. Whatever, bitch. She's not getting that kid back..EVER..but, maybe Angelina will send her a Banksy painting to ease her (cough) pain. Meanwhile, Brad and Angelina bought a man made island in the shape of the country Zahara was born in. The land is in Dubai's "The World" exclusive off shore development. I guess Neverland was too much of a fixer upper.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that they're really living up to this planet-conscious attitude by buying cute little country shaped islands and big ass boats instead of hmm...donating it to the poor.

Anonymous said...

She won't lose her kids, just like Madonna didn't!

Anonymous said...

And why should she loose them? She adopted them like anyone is supposed to.

Anonymous said...

she looks exactly like her mom tho! So, there's "Sahara" in 20 years! Buying islands? OMG! Could they flaunt their wealth maybe a little bit more? Dubai? The richest country on earth & most expensive. Only sheiks & kings & princes can live there! They have that fab hotel that is also on an island that looks like a giant salboat with full sails. It's magnificent. Totally regal. I hope they move there & just stay there with their M&M orphans. Forever. Think they will be visiting Africa now? Hmmm? Doubtful.

Anonymous said...

This story is in INTOUCH ....come on now...that's worse than the frigin Enquirer or Star.

Anonymous said...

but ... but ... Adoptalina loves the flava flav kid the best !!

YES !!! more than Shiloh the priviledged blob !!

Karma's a bitch LOL ! LOL ! LOL !

Anonymous said...

and this whole story is a load of shit!

Anonymous said...

not sure on this one but since it is Angelina, I don't imagine anything will be done. I think this story came up before that she wasn't from an orphanage and her mom was alive but nothing became of it.


Anonymous said...

OMG its Flava Sr. !!!! LMFAOOO ... that kid's a spittin image of her mother - both very unfortunate looking creatures I might add.

Anonymous said...

Whats flava flav doin on that cover pretending to be that kids mama for?!

Anonymous said...

If theres any truth to the birth mother wanting the kid back its only with the hope that she can be a part of the world of privillage. Maybe get some cash for her and flowen in for special ocassions and crap.

Anonymous said...

oMG is she ugly or what !!??

Anonymous said...

shes the 'real babies mamma". give the kid back can alwaysget another beafrian, ethiopian or something from some other 3rd world impoverished country..she can take all her designer duds back home and share them...LMAO