Amy was photographed out side her house in London last night in a bra, jeans and barefoot. Witness's told the press: "She came out of the house, walked down the drive and wandered around on the pavement for a bit. She looked upset and agitated but there was no obvious reason for her to have come outside. It was weird."
Amy's rep said, "Amy had been fast asleep and heard a noise. She went outside to investigate."
Umm, yeah, it was 5:45 AM and she looks jonesing to me. Her body isn't as scary skinny as it used to be and I don't see any new track marks, but, her face is pitiful. Poor, poor girl.
poor poor girl my ASS, bitch did it to herself, I have no pity for her
Couldn't she have untangled the rosary from her bra strap before stumbling - I mean walking- outside to check the noise?
who's the old broad?
Must say her body looks amazingly good.
chloe'...are we seeing the same image here? Just checking...jeez.
She is not scary-skinny anymore and looks better. But unfortunately it was only one of her many problems.
Nooooooooo...my cousin bought her CD...and contributed to a snort of coke!!
Cuzzo...you're the best!!!
noo! when i bought it she wasnt you know lol
didnt she say she had a sleepwalking problem in an interview?
or was that someone else?
but ya she looks sad and she needs help
She wandering the street because she ~IS~ jonesing.
I heard something or other about her "dealer" going to jail. Must be rough... lol
She truly is a hideous woman. I've never seen her without her warpaint. Well, once, on that lovely photo of her looking out of her window looking like a transvestite, high as kite and strung out as hell. Her looks are very unfortunate. No wander she does all those drugs, I would too if I had to stare at that reflection.
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