Monday, December 3, 2007

James Haven's personal plate..

Haven has his niece's name on his license plate..I suppose this was easier than erecting a giant light up billboard on the top of his car (with a blinking arrow saying "follow me") announcing that he's related to someone famous. The holder, from Saddleback Church, reads "You matter to God."

Whatever..attention whore. This weirdo might have given birth to Shiloh for all we know. Why can't this guy find a job???


Anonymous said...

Wow! A little obsessed are we? A** kisser Stalker-Uncle! He's such a perv.

Anonymous said...

Why can't he get a job? Because he goes in for the interview, and the Burger King manager gets all freaked out and grabs a crucifix and chases his ass out.

Anonymous said...

"grabs a crucifix and chases his ass out." gawd, Crabbie. Good one!! Loves it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hes so gross!!

Miss Tia said...

SHHILOH matters to god because she doesn't matter to her mother....

Anonymous said...

Shiloh = James NOT Brad !

Anonymous said...

Well it's not like we all didn't know that James and Angelina were getting it on.

And now "SHH"-iloh is the indelible proof-positive... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it say PRIVLEDGED BLOB !!

Anonymous said...

Shiloh is also his middle name. Angelina named her after him.