"If we cheat we don't know it, so if we do cheat, it's very good for both us. I don't want to know it, if he's cheating on me. If I'm cheating on him, he wouldn't want to know it. And if we do, if that's what's making it work, then that's fine too.”
Oh, whatever..I just think someone needs to tell Dolly that just because you can afford plastic surgery every six weeks for 40 years, doesn't mean you should do it. She's scary.
I like Dolly Parton. Why? I don't know. I just do!
I do too, but, enough with the plastic. She's scaring me now.
And yet she doesn't look as bad as some younger celebs with facework. There are a lot of women with two large holes where their noses used to be, and eyes and mouths that don't match up with the rest of the face and fake upturned eye wrinkles,
So, in other words, it's highly likely they're both unfaithful?
Love Dolly! The key to her 40 year marriage is that she spends most of her waking hours with her gay male friends, which is always fun and the best of both worlds. I believe she even owns a swanky NYC apt with one of them. They probably talk a lot about NY vs. Bev Hills plastic surgeons, then throw on some fabulous (alarming? fabulously alarming?) outfits and hit the town. The woman's an icon.
I love Dolly and used to watch her on The Porter Wagonner Show when I was little. I know, I'm sooo old! I don't care what she does to herself, she's just Dolly & there is no other. She's very generous to her family and I've read for years that her & her hubby Carl just 'don't ask-don't tell' about the cheating thing. It works for them. w/e...
Dolly is a wild but classy lady. Love her
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